Sunday, July 04, 2004

I haven't blogged in a long time. Work's been killing me: presentations every day, 730am conf calls almost everyday, and supporting Asia Pacific until about 11pm every week. It's been too much. Yesterday, the Friday before the holiday, I worked until 830pm. That's too much, especially for a Friday, but there's just too much to do, and I want to try to stay on top. In general, Friday was one of those very strange days, beyond the working way past quittin' time.

One, I watched a woman get hit by a car. SUV tried to speed a left turn on a yellow and tagged this woman with its grill. Screech, boom, smack...she hits the ground. Very scary. For those who know Chicago, it was at the corner of Huron and Clark, the north part of River North. But, ya know what, that wasn't the strangest part of the night...

Two, I helped a homeless guy get a room and a meal that night. More than that, I gave him companionship and conversation for about three hours. That's not the story though. There's so much more to it, but I'm too tired to write about it now. It's long; it's convoluted; and, it's just plain...well, sad. The night was filled with lies, truths, tears and...well, I guess that's for another entry.

Before I tell the story, I admit that I did something fairly risky, but learned so much from the experience that I think it's changed me. I don't know how, but something's different. It just didn't start that night, however. The change has been happening for months. In fact, to symbolize the beginning of an end, I made a very expensive purchase lately that, symbolically, was a much-deserved going-away present for myself. I think I'm close to moving on from one stage of life to the next. I'm not certain that I'll take the leap, but I'm certain changes are on the horizon.


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