Monday, April 19, 2004

This weekend was big news. We finally moved into our master bedroom! Yes, after ten months of the downstairs floor being in total disarray, we now are back in our bedroom. There is still some disarry, but it's totally different than in the past. Now, I'll admit that we don't have all of our bedroom furniture yet because it's being custom built and won't be delivered until July (!). However, with the painting and floor finished, we placed the floor rug down and moved all of the old bedroom furniture into the room. We also created a tool chest in one of our closets so now all the crap is off the floor. Next steps are buying a new entertainment center so we can move the electronics out of boxes and buy bookshelves to line all of the walls. Everything looks great, and what's left is moving in the right direction. We're very excited and happy.


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