Saturday, March 06, 2004

Here are the weekend highlights:

1. I finished the last two pieces of work in our master bedroom: the thresholds from family room to bedroom and from bedroom to master bathroom. After we do some touch-up work along the baseboards, we'll be done!

2. Tomorrow, we'll probably buy all of our bedroom furniture. Months and months ago, we scoped out every piece at a Chicago-based furniture store. Now, it's just a matter of slapping down the plastic and waiting for the delivery truck!

3. Michael Schumacher won the F1 Australian Grand Prix. Ferrari took 1st and 2nd, and my team, Williams, placed 4th and 5th behind Fernando Alonso's Renault. I didn't watch the race, but caught up with everything at

4. We're going to Second City tomorrow to watch a friend's boyfriend perform some improv. I haven't been there in years so it'll be fun.

5. The new season of The Sopranos starts Sunday night at 8pm CT. I love the show so much that I plan my Sundays around it. It's the only show for which I have that kind of loyalty, and it's totally worth it. The Sopranos and Curb Your Enthusiasm are the best shows on television, period.

I'm digging my new blog style. Yes, essays will pop up every now and then, but I'm getting used to commenting more frequently and with less prep and research. If I ever create my own homepage, I'll post essays there.


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