Wednesday, April 14, 2004

I'm going to be a bit lazy tonight. I sent an email to a friend this morning, and now I'm just going to C&P it right here. It's what's on my mind tonight, and the e-mail captures it just right.

Did you watch the press conference last night or read about it? I didn't watch it, but read the reports. You may be shocked to read this, but I felt sorry for the guy. Politics aside, it was clear that this man is in way over his head, and he's just not a fit leader. No shocker, I know. But as a professional who works with top leaders all the time, this guy choked hardcore and made it clear that he's not the best man for the job, the job of pulling the US out of this international Iraqi morass and rebuilding the reputation of our country. Bush cannot speak, cannot improvise, cannot think. He has to be prepared right down to the commas and periods in sentences, and that's disappointing and scary. I hope America wakes up, looks past the Administration's rhetoric, and boots this guy.


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