Saturday, April 24, 2004

Well, well, well, what's been going on...

1. Work has been rough. Dealing with the top of pyramid is stressful and chaotic. My work is demanding in general, but, when dealing with C-level, management committee personalities, it's too unpredictable at times. Also, you never know when it's okay to contact people. Their schedules are jam-packed with all sorts of people demanding attention. Everything has to be planned out weeks, and sometimes months, in advance. However, when they want something, everything must be dropped and full attention to their needs must be immediate. I understand all of this to a certain extent, but it doesn't make getting things done any easier. Plus, I never know if they're satisfied or unsatisfied with what's been accomplished. I said it before, and I say it again: This role will determine whether or not I'm staying with the company. Right now, it's too early to tell.

2. On the home front, my wife and I are settled into the updated master bedroom, and we're buying more and more furniture every week. This process is a bit stressful, too. The dollars aren't the concern because the money's all there. The concerns are shopping, making the decisions, and pulling the trigger. I guess, in a way, it's fun, especially when items arrive and get set up. Our condo is finally starting to feel like a home...after two years!

3. I haven't travelled since early January, my last week at the San Francisco client, but that will change very soon. I'm planning four trips over the next couple of months. May brings the Indy 500 and, hopefully, a trip to DC to hang out with old college buddies. Of course, I'm ready to go, but I'm waiting on two other buddies to make a decision. They're not used to planning and executing, and I think that money may be a slight problem with both guys. I'll probably go without those two because the friend who lives in DC just bought a new place and is excited for visitors. I hope it works out for all four of us to come together, but the other two just have to get their shit together.

June brings a weekend trip to Houston for an old high school friend's wedding. Houston is a decent place to visit, but it certainly isn't a favorite. Although, we won't be in Houston much more than the airport because the wedding is in Galveston. June may also bring a boondoggle trip to Tahoe. My old project was very profitable so there's talk of a free weekend in Tahoe for a select group of my old teammates and our significant others. All expense-paid trip will be nice, and I'd really like to see all of my old teammates from San Francisco who plan to fly in for the event, if it happens (cross fingers).

I also want to plan a trip to Vegas to hang out with my brother, and I hope to get to Pittsburgh this summer, too, to see family and friends. We'll have to see how it all plays out.

That's that for now. I'm getting a political itch so future blog entries will probably get back a bit to old style of ranting about something on my mind.


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