Friday, February 03, 2006

Consult this blogspot says go check out:

1. HP Lovecraft: Against the World, Against Life by Michel Houellebecq- After reading this, I concluded two things: 1) This is a good, very pro HPL intro for newbies 2) I must read more Houellebecq (which I'll do, because I bought Elementary Particles/Atomized, too). The link takes you to a Counterpunch review of the English translation. The reviewer is a fan of HPL and weird fiction in general, but he's fairly critical--but not overboard--of Houellebeq's book. Whatever, I enjoyed Contre le Monde... immensely.

2. S.T. Joshi - For all things Lovecraft, this is the scholar to read. As my first post-Mignola foray into HPL, I cranked out an annotated compilation that Joshi edited and, truly, got the crash course. I appreciate scholars because I know that I don't have the requisite patience and attention to detail to be one. (He selected Brown University for his undergrad, basically, because he knew they had the best collection of HPL manuscripts and other arcana. Jeez, talk about planning ahead.) If you want to learn about or read HPL, grab anything that this guy edited, and you'll be fine.

3. Skype - My bro lives in NZ now, and, not to forget that he exists, I use it. This software is a free, fast download and very simple to use. Just grab a headset with a mic, be familiar with IM technology, and you're on your way to free int'l calls...zoom, zoom, zoom, baby

4. The Steelers will win Super Bow XL. Nuff said.

I'm outta here!


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